Playa Colorado Surf Guide

Some solid barrels at this surf spot, getting more crowded, but still hard to access.

Quick Facts

Big summer wave that works at all tides

Access limited through hotel or by boat

Both lefts and rights

Some of the most consistent waves in Nicaragua

Surf Season in Playa Colorado

playa colorado surfing

Facing SE, the best time to surf this break is definitley in the summer or rainy season. From May-September, this wave can truly pump and provide some barrels. The rest of the year still produces solid rights and lefts, just with much less size. However, because of the river mouth feeding the wave, they can still pack a mighty punch for the size they have.


Where to Surf in Playa Colorado

There’s really one break here. It’s right at the mouth of the river, and it’s on a private beach. There are two ways to access the wave really. First is by staying at the hotel at the beach, which is the simplest way. The second is to find a local boat driver who is willing to take you to the wave and back to shore outside the private beach. The hotel is Hacienda Iguana, and is the way to go in our opinion.

  • Crowds - Not much

  • Surfer Level - Intermediate+

  • Ideal Swell -S

  • Ideal Wind - Low

  • Break Type - Beach

  • Consistency - 70%

  • Be Aware: Hard to get to!

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