Surfing in Peru

With over 1,300 miles of coastline, Peru is home to one of the longest lefts in the world, along with many other solid breaks.

Sitting between Ecuador and Chile, Peru is home to a long stretch of Pacific Coastline. Simply put, some of the best lefts in the world can be found here, and certainly the best lefts in Latin America. It’s beautiful, affordable, and you won’t find food better than Peruvian food! With all of the lefts, regular-footers may struggle. Or maybe they will finally learn to ride lefts better! Peru is absolutely beautiful, and on the off-days from surfing you will have plenty to do. A friendly local culture, rich culinary tradition, and pumping waves make Peru an ideal destination for surf trips. The only downside is its relatively far distance from North America, but it is well worth the trip.


Relatively quiet but growing surf scene

Some amazing waves without the crowds

Many surf spots and breaks all along coast

Incredible food, culture, and exploration

Beginner Waves

Advanced Waves

Surf Camps

Surf Season in Peru

ballestas islands peru

Surf season in Peru is really the South American winter, from March to October. During this time, you’ll find far less wind. The waves created will be glassy and smooth, from small 3 footers all the way up to nearly DOH at some spots. In the summer (November - February), you might find some strong southern swells coming in. The water does get a bit cold, so this is one spot you may want to bring a wetsuit. The waves during this time will likely be at their biggest, but also not quite as smooth as the winter months due to strong cross and onshore wind.

Other Things to Do in Peru

macchu picchu peru

There are so many things to do in Peru, we had to write a specific post about it (below). But the good news is that a surf trip to Peru leaves you with plenty of opportunity to do other amazing things. You might take a trip to explore the Amazon, make your way up to Macchu Picchu, spend a few days in Lima, explore the Sacred Valley, or hike in any number of amazing mountains. The food, people, culture, and nature are all extraordinary in Peru, and we highly recommend booking a day or two on either side of your surf trip to visit surrounding areas.

Surf Spots in Peru



